Friday, May 13, 2011


Tuesday, May 17 is departure day -- and I still can't really believe I'm going to Italy! I thought I'd post our itinerary.  That way you can follow along and google any sights you'd like to see.

May 17   
  11:30 am -- depart Minneapolis
   1:20 pm -- arrive Chicago
   4:50 pm -- depart Chicago

May 18
  9:15 am -- arrive Rome, Italy (local time, which is 7 hours ahead of CDT)
  We are told to "find your apartment on a map and explore the area. Buy groceries for the evening meal...and try to overcome jet lag by staying up at least until 10:00 pm."

May 19
  Orientation at ACCENT (student center) followed by a walking tour and lunch provided. For the rest of the day we are encouraged to explore...suggested sites are the Pantheon and the piazza Navona.

May 20
  Continue with the exploration of ancient Roman sites - the Colosseum, Forum and Palatine or the nearby church of San Clemente. Or visit one of the most important museums of ancient Roman art, the Museo Nazionale Romano.

May 21
  Various suggestions for sight-seeing and exploring include the church of Santa Maria della Concezione, with a cemetery decorated with the bones of over 4,000 deceased monks. Or visit the Protestant Cemetery where the English poets Keats and Shelley are each buried. It is near the Spanish Stairway.

May 22
  Options include attending mass at Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza (designed by Borromini.) Or find the Porta Portese where beginning early Sunday mornings the largest flea market in Europe takes place.

May 23
  Class begins with a lecture in the morning and a visit to Musei Vaticani in the afternoon.

May 24
  Morning lecture followed by visiting Campidoglio and then Musei Capitolini.

May 25
  Morning lecture and then going to Santa Maria della Pace; Pasquino and Galleria Doria-Pamphili.

May 26
  Morning tour of Sant'Agostino; Sant'Ivo alla Sapienze; San Luigi dei Francesi; piazza Sant'Ignazio; Sant'Ignazo; Il Gesu; Sant'Andrea della Valle; Santa Maria in Vallicella and Oratorio di San Filippo Neri. Lecture in the afternoon (I must remember to have a double esspresso with my lunch so I don't fall asleep!)

May 27
  Again touring in the morning -- Santa Maria del Popolo; Piazza di Spagna; Spanish Staircase; Sant'Andrea delle Fratte; Collegio di Propaganda Fide followed by an afternoon lecture.

May 28 & 29
  The weekend is free to do what we want.  I may look into traveling to Florence and seeing the Ufizzi Gallery.

May 30
  Meet and tour Ponte Sant'Angelo; St. Peter's; La Zecca. Lecture in the afternoon.

May 31
  Morning lecture followed by touring Palazzo Farnese; Santa Maria della Quercia and Palazzo Spada in the afternoon.

June 1
   Morning tour of Santa Maria degli Angeli; Santa Maria della Vittoria; Santa Susanna; San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane; San Andrea al Quirinale; Palazzo Rospigliosi Casino d'Aurora.

June 2
  Morning lecture. Afternoon visit to Palazzo della Cancelleria; Fountain of the Turtles; Palazzo Mattei; Santa Maria in Campitelli and Santi Martina e Luca.

June 3
  Meet at the top of the Spanish Staircase. Visit Casino Ludovisi; Santa Cecilia in Trastevere; San Francesco a Ripa; San Pietro in Montorio and Tempietto.

June 4&5
  Weekend free to do what we'd like.

June 6
  Lecture in the morning. Piazza Navona; Sant Agnese in Agone; Santa Maria sopra Minerva; Elephant Obelisk; Santa Maria in Via Lata; Palazzo Doria-Pamphili (exterior) and Chigi-Odescalchi in the afternoon.

June 7
  Morning lecture. Galleria Borghese in the afternoon.

June 8
  Classroom work in the morning followed by a visit to the Piazza Barberini; Triton Fountain and Fountain of the Bees.

June 9
  Morning tour of San Giovanni in Laterano; Santa Maria Maggiore; piazza al Quirinale; Palazzo della Consulta; Trevi Fountain; Accademia di San Luca; Santi Vincenzo de Anastasio; San Lorenzo in Lucina; Palazzo Ludovisi (now Montecitorio.) Work on finishing course paper in the afternoon.

June 10
  Turn in final paper. Travel to Tivoli and spend the day at Villa d'Este. A farewell dinner is served in the evening.

June 11
  11:30 am -- depart Rome
   3:10 pm -- arrive Chicago
   5:45 pm -- depart Chicago
   7:15 pm -- arrive Minneapolis

Home, sweet home!!


1 comment:

  1. Even though you won't feel like sleeping on the plane, if you are anything like me, you need to try to sleep. First time I went to France, I was so excited I didn't even try to sleep, but then I felt sick once I got there: SO TIRED! The next time, I was still so excited, but I tried to sleep,and somewhat succeeded and felt SO MUCH BETTER when I got there. (Which was a good thing, since I had to get to the train station and take the train to another city where I would get picked up.) So, try to sleep, even if you don't feel like it. You'll feel better for it. Have a great time, Naomi. Quite the opportunity!
