Monday, May 30, 2011

Sick, sick, sick

I came down with a cold on Friday night.  I was so glad it happened over the weekend so I didn't feel too badly lying around the apartment.  I spent Saturday and Sunday sleeping and reading and feeling like it's not too fun being sick away from home.  I normally don't experience home-sickness.  But those times I am physically sick and away from home I do battle homesickness on top of it.  I miss my own bed and my family and all the things familiar and comforting.

This morning I was determined to make it to class, though.  I had been planning to take the bus instead of walking the 30 minutes but we were informed there was a transportation strike planned.  Even if some buses were running, I figured they would be overcrowded.  So, we left in plenty of time to walk. 

We met the instructor at Ponte Sant Angelo which is a bridge over the Tiber River with sculptures by Bernini depicting angels at the stations of the cross.  It is a beautiful and moving walk to take.  From there we walked down to St. Peter's Basilica and spent the morning learning about the important works of art and architecture there.  It is a place that words cannot prepare one for.  The immensity of it and the opulence of it are staggering. 

So, I'm glad I didn't miss it.  I barely had enough gumption to make it back to the apartment where we all took about  2hr naps.  It felt great!  Then we walked to the small grocery store in our neighborhood to get fixings for supper.  We sauted zucchini, carrots and mushrooms in olive oil seasoned with garlic, red pepper and oregano.  This we served with pasta topped with freshly grated peccorino cheese.  Delicious!

Now it is late and I must get to bed.  Here are some pictures.  I'll maybe get around to adding captions tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of you two! It is so nice to see your smiling faces :)
