Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I can hardly believe departure date is just one week from today!! Every time I think of it I get butterflies in my stomach! So I've been thinking about how I want to pack things.  I have my basic wardrobe of 2 black skirts, 1 black trousers, 1 black capri pants and half a dozen short sleeved blouses to mix and match, along with a black lightweight cardigan.  I'll wear my shoes and pack my sandals. I'll wear the jewelry I plan to wear the whole time. (I bought some basic silver hoop earrings and an abalone shell pendant on a silver chain because of course I didn't want to risk losing my favorite accessories!)

My plan is to pack my clothing in a small carry-on suitcase and put that inside a larger suitcase that I will check. This will give me a suitcase for bringing home anything I might purchase while I'm gone.  I will carry on a backpack with my toiletries and one change of clothes in case my luggage gets lost. Also in the backpack will be my down blanket (I never travel without it.  It is lightweight, warm and squeezes down to practically nothing,) and my travel pillow. On the return trip, the backpack will pack flat without taking up too much room.  In my handbag I will have my camera, my guidebook and an empty water bottle I will fill after going through security. The only thing is to see if the double suitcase with all my clothes will still weigh in below 50 lbs.

I washed clothes yesterday so everything is clean and ready to go.  I am able to fit all but my sandals in the small suitcase, and yes, it fits inside the large one!  And good news -- altogether it only weighs 35 lbs!  But, of course I forgot the textbook I still need to pack and my sandals (which I will wear this week) These will easily fit inside the larger suitcase around the edges. I'm confident now that my plan will work. Yay!


  1. Have a great trip, Naomi. I'm praying for a safe and amazing journey for you and your daughter. Have a blast!

  2. Thank you Rachel. I'm praying for your family as well. We'll swap stories when we all get back home! :)

  3. What I want to know is how you are going to fit unique art and furniture in your checked bag?! Your plan sounds really good! You are so organized; I love that about you.

  4. Haha, Nita. I know! I have to keep reminding myself I can't buy anything unless it's flat and light!
