Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More Churches

I always used to tell Tory that I wanted to travel in Europe and go to every Cathedral and museum there was. There are plenty of places with large churches and great museums I still want to visit.  But, I seriously underestimated the number of both of those things!  In fact, I do not think we will go into every church in Rome during the 3 weeks we are here and we are averaging 3-4 per day!!  It is unbelievable!

Today we visited one which could easily be my favorite.  Although 3 out of the four we saw today could be in my top 5.  My favorite was the one called Santa Maria degli Angeli which was built by Michaelangelo in the ruins of part of the ancient Roman Baths of Diocletian.  It was built in the high Renaissance using much of what remained of the ancient architecture.  I found it light and grand with a totally different feel than the Baroque churches we're studying.
Santa Maria degli Angeli
We did a fair amount of walking again today.  I'm feeling better and better.  There is a staircase near our neighborhood that I took on one of the first days in Rome on which I had to rest part way up.  Today we went that way again and I was able to do it all in one trip.  Here's a picture.

Noni's corollary to Newton's law: "What comes down must go up."
 So life goes on. Tomorrow is an important holiday celebrating the founding of Italy as a republic in 1861. They have been preparing staging for the big parade ever since we've arrived here.  I don't know what to expect but we will be in class during the morning festivities anyway.  Arrivederci!

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