Thursday, June 9, 2011

Next to Last Day

Wow! The time has flown by, as I knew it would.  This morning we were set on a march around the city trying to fit in the last details that our instructor thought we should not miss.  I was on my feet from around 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. My feet ached!

Group photo at Trevi Fountain

But finally we were dismissed.  I had to go to the student center to print out my paper and turn it in.  Then it was back to the apartment and off to the beach.  We took the Metro to a train and from there to just south of Ostia.  Sarah had been there last weekend and knew just where to go. It was a good 45 min or so before we were watching the waves of the Mediterranean Sea crash in on the sandy shore.

I did mention that I'm not really a beach person, right? It was about everything I expected it would be.  The sand sticks to everything, there are many people lying around in various stages of undress (and in Italy it is less than I'm used to) I worry about getting sunburned and my back starts hurting from sitting on the sand.  In addition, here in Italy, there are hawkers who make there way around the beach trying to sell bracelets or sunglasses, or paintings, or beach towels, or scarfs or swimsuits, or fresh coconut...shall I go on?

One type of vendor offers massages.  I chose to have her massage my lower legs and feet.  My feet were still pounding from all the walking of the day and it felt heavenly. By the time she was done I had happy feet and that made me happier.  Then I could enjoy the sound of the waves as they rolled into shore, I could enjoy the smell of the salt water and feel the spray on my face.  It was slightly overcast and later in the day so I didn't worry too much about sunburn.  It was very peaceful to just sit, knowing that my homework was turned in, there was no other place to be, and I could rest in the moment -- sitting on the sand near the Mediterranean for Pete's sake!

Looking out to sea.
We spent several hours there before returning to Rome and finding a place for supper.  I chose the pizza capricioso which had mushrooms, olive, egg, ham artichokes and mozzarella.  It was very tasty! We are all thinking about our favorite foods back home, though.  As much as I like pasta (and I do like it a lot) there comes a time when a person just needs some mexican or good old hamburger!

Tomorrow is our excursion to Tivoli and then we need to pack up our stuff and clean the apartment.  We have a large group dinner provided in the evening and then the following morning we will be collected and brought to the airport for the long day of traveling back home.  I don't think I'll have time to blog until after I get home and from there I will post a final wrap up.  Thanks so much for traveling with me and being so supportive.  I can't wait to see you all again in person!


  1. Bon Voyage! That's French I know, but I don't have a clue what it would be in Italian! Anyway, may you have a safe and pleasant journey home to Minnesota. And...enjoy your last moments in Rome!

  2. I think the picture of the sea is one of my favorite pictures so far :) I think that is one of the things that has made me most jealous. Ha ha!

  3. Loved reading everything, Naomi. It was so nice to be able to read about your trip, since we couldn't be there with you. So glad that both you and Charis were able to go. And, welcome home, later today. I think. . . . .
