Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Winding down

It is really hard to believe that our time in Rome is fast coming to a close.  I have been very busy these last few days writing the course paper that is due on Fri.  We've been trying hard to get it done early so we can take the half-day set aside for working on the paper and do something fun instead.  So, tonight I did the final spell-check and grammar check and I think it'll do. At least I have done what I could and I will turn it in.

We have been visiting the palazzo's of the Borghese and Barberini families, who in the 17th century were very powerful and wealthy citizens who used their power and influence to gain wealth and more power.  It was very sad to me that Scipione Borghese, a Cardinal of the church and nephew to the Pope, was such a ruthless collector of art that he resorted to plain theft -- and got away with it.  Considering that his country Villa was decorated with lewd and sensual frescoes and that seemed to be the type of art he prefered, he seems like an all around scoundrel.  I was amazed by the sumptuousness of the surroundings and the expansiveness of the collection, but I can't say I really enjoyed myself.  It was too disturbing. 

Today at the Palazzo Barberini it was a different story.  Although there was some nudity in the art, it did not seem to dominate in the same way as at the Villa Borghese.  I was sidetracked into admiring some 18th century paintings and some 16th century paintings but the instructor didn't seem to mind too much.  It was a highlight to me to see the portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein.

Also a highlight and a part of our course were half a dozen Caravaggio's.  I especially admired Judith Beheading Holofernes and Narcissus. I think I could have sat in that room all afternoon, just soaking it in.

Charis and I decided to finish our papers in the afternoon and then take off, just the two of us, and have some quality mother-daughter time.  We went back to the Piazza Navona which was abuzz with activity.  We sat near the fountain and listened to the street musicians for awhile.  Then we wandered around and found a bench to sit at and watch the people, and admire the facades, and just enjoy being together in Rome. 

We then walked the short distance to the Pantheon.  I still think that's my favorite place.  It gives me such an interesting feeling just to be there looking at it.  I imagine how it must have been when it was a working temple to the pantheon of Roman gods.  I think it must have been a really creepy place.  I'm so grateful that Jesus has set us free from the fears of superstition and bondage of idol worship.

I enjoyed just sitting there, watching the play of light as the sun was lowering on the horizon and watching the people mill about.  Charis sat with me and wrote in her journal.  It was such a peaceful, poigniant time that I will always treasure. 

We found a restaurant near our apartment and had a nice meal together which we strung out long over not one but TWO bottles of water.  We are such heavy drinkers! haha!  But we were just enjoying the precious time together and did not want it to end.  We decided we needed to not be too busy back home to find those times together.

We have two more days here before we head home.  Already we are looking forward to being with family and friends.  We are thinking about making something other than pasta (although I am still enjoying it.) But we are trying not to let our eagerness to be home crowd out any enjoyment we will have in the next two days.  Once we are on the plane, then we can let ourselves go with excitement and anticipation of coming home.

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